Julius Plenz – Blog

tmux session names

Usually, I name my tmux sessions according to what project I'm working on. To attach a specific session, I use a custom tm function, with the appropriate completion:

# 2011-10-19: tmux shortcut for creating/attaching named sessions
  tm() {
    [[ -z "$1" ]] && { echo "usage: tm <session>" >&2; return 1; }
    tmux has -t $1 && tmux attach -t $1 || tmux new -s $1

# 2011-10-19
# stolen from completion function _tmux
  function __tmux-sessions() {
      local expl
      local -a sessions
      sessions=( ${${(f)"$(command tmux list-sessions)"}/:[ $'\t']##/:} )
      _describe -t sessions 'sessions' sessions "$@"
  compdef __tmux-sessions tm

It looks like this:

A colleague use this, but with a modification. If [[ -z "$1" ]], he'll simply do a tmux attach, which will attach the last recently used session.

posted 2012-01-03 tagged tmux